dijous, 17 d’abril del 2008

The Used - It's hard to say

Una de les coses que m'apasionen es la música, es de les poques estones que poden aconseguir que m'oblidi de tot i em sumergeixi en una melodia, una lletra o un sentiment...

Des de fa una temporada m'he aficionat a aquest genial grup anomenat The Used que combina les melodies mes tendres amb els crits mes esfaraidors que es puguin sentir, un "cocktail" que em desperta sensacions i per tant m'agrada i us recomano. Doncs bé, fa unes setmanes vaig escoltar aquesta cançó , que tenia oblidada en algún racó del meu portatil, i vaig pensar "altanto! quin temazo més trist" (tal com raja), em vaig posar a indagar i resulta que es una cançó que en Bert cantant de The Used dedica segons sembla a la Kate, una novia que tenia i que va morir estant embrassada del seu fill... Trist oi? Jo penso que el més ambicios dels meus projectes serà poder gaudir d'un "Xavi petit" i ser capaç d'estar a l'alçada de les seves expectatives...

The singer finished singing and she's walking out
The singer sheds a tear fear of falling out
And it's hard to say how i feel today
Our years gone by, and i cry

It's hard to say that i was wrong
It's hard to say i miss you
Since you've been gone it's not the same

My worries weigh the world how i used to be
And everything in cold seems a plague in me
And its hard to say how i feel today
Our years gone by, and i cry

It's hard to say that i was wrong
It's hard to say i miss you
Since you've been gone it's not the same
It's hard to say i have my
It's hard to say if only
Since you've been gone it's not the same

Words that i fear is the lie i told a thousand times before
Words that i fear is the night
But it's hard to say how i feel today
Our years gone by, and i cry

It's hard to say that i was wrong
It's hard to say i miss you
Since you've been gone it's not the same
It's hard to say i have my tongue
It's hard to say if only
Since you've been gone i'm not the same
It's hard to say (god it's hard to say)
Since you've been gone, i'm not the same